Graced all 4 NAC stages
I have appeared on all 4 stages at Canada’s National Arts Centre
I have appeared on all 4 stages at Canada’s National Arts Centre
I’ve played almost every stage in Ottawa
I regularly teach improvisation on behalf of Ottawa’s big theatre institutions.
Ottawa has been a real stand-up comedy town for all my life. There are a couple full-time stand-up comedy clubs in the city, as well as indie stages peppered all over town. Since 2016 Crush Improv has been proud to be one of the very few non-stand-up comedy acts to regularly grace the stage at…
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I inadvertantly faked my own death on social media
I was a Canadian Improv Ambassador to Australia (High Tea at the Canadian Consulate in Sydney included!)
I toured an improvised Pirate show featuring a real sword fight?
I produced the first ever dual-city live improv set
I led a team to take what had been a paper manual and DVD and turn it into a modular, online training program
I teach improvisation to engineers at the Telfer School of Management?