Upcoming live broadcast!

Upcoming live broadcast!

I will be producing the Canadian Improv Games‘ National Tournament productions at the National Arts Centre coming up May 11-14, 2020 – including the live broadcast online of the National Finals!

I stepped down from my role of National Director and President of Canadian Improv Games back in 2016, however I’m pleased to be returning as producer of the events at the NAC this may.

When I took the National Director job back in 2012, I made a live broadcast of the National Finals a priority, so that the parents of fans of these high school teams from across the country could cheer along with the crowds in Ottawa! The Algonquin College broadcasting school has been a big part of the live broadcasts in recent years, however due to the scheduling of the event in 2020, I get to produce and run the broadcast myself, with the help of my ultralight live broadcast kit, and my buddy Franco Pang!

Watch for the live broadcast on improv.ca!

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